Monday, July 23, 2012

ready or not

I've been trying to sell some things on craigslist and also donate some to a specific resource for teen moms. I've been frustrated that trying to give things away is so difficult. I have tried for 2 1/2 weeks to connect and made 2 more attempt yesterday and today. And the stuff is still sitting here, a sewing machine, rice cooker, convection oven, pots and pans, baking goods. But no one is moving to action. It's like I'm in a delay and I don't like it.

I'm trying to keep my eyes focused and I will pick a new place to donate, if this doesn't work out by tonight. Maybe I was on the right track and maybe I wasn't. I will get a storage unit for one month and try to sell and donate the rest.

I'm trying to be calm because this is not the worst situation to be in.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

lightening my load

I listed my stuff on craigslist, am donating some to these youth in my church and to a teen mom program. A few things will go to friends/family like photos and such.  It's strange to realize the value you pay for something and then the value it's worth later. As if it somehow cost so much and now devalues.  I want to trade things that may cost a lot but will be of great eternal value.

I have to make room in my life for the load to be light and so that the most important things can be focused on without distraction.

As I go through this process I keep lightening the load of silly things from the past I've carried so that I will only carry that which is of value.